- 你的这项提议不甚恰当。This proposal of yours hardly meets the case.
- 你的这项提议不甚恰当.This proposal of yours hardly meets the case.
- 我对你的提议不感兴趣,那件事就请你不要再提了。I'm not interested in your offer, and for that matter would like you to leave.
- 尽管我们发现在《圣经》中女人第一个说话,但我认为应该是男人第一个说话才更为合情合理;如果人类如此重要的行为由一个女人而不是男人首先完成,让人觉得不甚恰当。But although we find in scripture that a woman spoke first, I still think it more reasonable that a man should have done so; and it may be thought unseemly that so distinguished an action of the human race should first have been performed by a woman rather than a man.
- "可是对你来说这是一桩大事啊。" "什么大事不大事的!我担心什么?""But it's a serious matter for you." "Serious my foot, why should I worry?"
- 务必使自己养成精益求精的习惯,并以你的爱心和热情发挥你的这项习惯,如果能使这种习惯变成一种嗜好那是最好不过的了。Ascertain what you like best to do,and do it as a labor of love with your heart and soul.Perhaps it will simple be a hobby.That's fine.
- 她的提议不值得考虑。Her proposal is out of the question.
- 要用TRADOS翻译人员工作台工作,不需要离开你的字处理器。You do not need to leave your word processor in order to work with the tray translator's workbench.
- 他们赞同这项提议。They are favorable to the proposal.
- 你的恶劣行径给整个学校带来耻辱。Your bad behavior brings shame on the whole school.
- 又与神话不甚相同,因其内容大多通俗,反映普通的现世场面,年代又不十分久远。unlike myths, they are generally secular and are set in the less-remote past in a conventional earthly locale.
- 大家举手表决通过了这项提议,然而表决的结果近乎相等,反对派要求重新计数。The motion was passed on show of hands, although voting was close and the opposition asked for a recount.
- 我借你的电脑用一下会使你不方便吗?Will it incommode you if I use your computer for a while?
- 你的行为与你的处世原则相差甚远。Your actions contrast unfavourably with your principles.
- 莲花的上西区,永新的天龙区、万年山区,则和整块不甚连属。The Shanghsi district of Lienhua and the Tienlung and Wannienshan districts of Yunghsin,however,are not firmly linked with this unbroken stretch.
- 作为一个教员你必须争取使你自己和你的学员都很优秀。As a trainer you must strive for excellence both from yourself and your trainee.
- 这项新工作报酬较好,但在某些方面不甚吸引人。The new job is better paid, but is some respects less interesting.
- 对不起,小姐,我是不是踩了你的脚了?Beg pardon, did I tread on your foot, miss?
- 和你的私人医生商量一下,看看你是否应服用这种药物。Check with your personal castor oil artist to see if you should be taking this medication.