- 你要我把你的名字作为下一个候选人记下吗?Do you want me to put down your name as the next candidate?
- 对不起,你能不能拼写一下你的名字?Sorry, would you please spell your name?
- 在电报纸下端你的名字和地址是不拍发的。Your name and address at the bottom are not to be transmitted.
- 你的名字我是熟悉的。Your name is familiar to me.
- 当我爱你时,风中的松树,要以他们丝线般的叶子唱你的名字。And as I love you, the pines in the wind want to sing your name with their leaves of wire.
- 现在只是写下你的名字。Cornelius Fudge: Now write your name only.
- 把你的名字和电话留下好吗?Will you like to leave your name and number?
- 在烟身上写下你的名字,把她吸入肺里,让她留在距离心脏最近的地方。I write your name on the cigar, smoke it, inhale it into the lung so that it will always be nearest my heart.
- 他读对了你的名字吗?Has he pronounced your name correctly?
- 用大写字母写你的名字和地址。Write your name and address in block letters.
- 开门,萨玛!是我,妮瓦纳!我是不是在你的赏金名单里看到过天行者这个名字?Open up, Sarma! It's me, Nevana! Did I see the name Skywalker one your bounty list?
- 你的名字在名单中排在我前面。Your name comes before mine in the list.
- 请在你的名字下打一个勾。Please put a tick against your name.
- 字母写你的名字。Write your name in capitals.
- 哭着呼唤你的名字I'm crying calling your name
- 你的名字有用连字符吗?Is your name hyphenated?
- 你要留下你的名字吗?Would you like to leave your name?
- 在板上写下你的名字Write your name on the board
- 请拼写你的名字。Spell your name for me, please.
- 脆弱啊,你的名字是女人Frailty, thy name is woman---William Shakespeare