- 你用筷子打鸡蛋.You beat eggs with chopsticks.
- 你用筷子呢还是用刀叉?Can you manage chopsticks or would you rather have a knife and fork?
- 搅打鸡蛋to stir eggs
- 在英格兰你用筷子吗?Do you use chopsticks in England?
- 常用in common usage
- 不用need not
- 你用筷子吃行吗?Can you manage to eat with chopsticks?
- 你用这把锋利的刀子必须很小心。You must be very careful with this sharp knife.
- 我看你用筷子很熟练。I see you're quite expert with chopsticks.
- 你用热熨斗一烫就把刺绣图样转印到布上。You transfer the embroidery design from the paper to cloth by pressing it with a warm iron.
- 孩子会用筷子了吗?Can the child manage chopsticks now?
- 你用电做饭吗?Do you use electricity for cooking?
- 中国人不用刀叉,用筷子。The Chinese use chopsticks instead of knives and forks.
- 你用电脑每分钟能打多少个汉字?How many Chinese characters are you able to type per minute with a computer?About one hundred.
- 我的一位美国朋友在学着用筷子吃饭。My American friend is learning to eat with chopsticks.
- 你用什么标准来衡量它呢?By what standard do you measure it?
- 我们吃饭用筷子代替刀叉。We use chopsticks in place of knives and forks at meals.
- 我提议你用托普牙膏。I suggest you to brush your teeth with Topol toothpaste.
- 中国人用筷子吃饭。The Chinese eat with chopsticks.
- 你用我的小刀做什么了?What do you do with my pocket knife?