- 你把工作搞得一团糟。You've made a mess of the job,ie done it very badly.
- 你把工作搞得一团糟.You've made a mess of the job, ie done it very badly.
- 把工作搞得一团糟Goof up a job.
- 你把这件事儿搞得一团糟。You've made a terrible mess of this job.
- 你把工作留下那么多没做,你怎么能补救得了呢?How can you expect to atone for leaving so large a part of your work undone?
- 他们把工作搞得一团糟。They made a real dog's breakfast of that job.
- 你把工作进程告诉他了吗?Did you inform them of the process of the work?
- 由于秘书们档案工作搞得马虎草率,他严厉地斥责了他们。He castigated the secretaries for their sloppy job of filing.
- 你把文件都搞乱了。You are getting the papers into a muddle.
- 你把事情给弄得一团糟。You have made a muddle of it.
- 原来条件比较好的,要充分利用现有的条件,尽快把工作搞上去;Where relatively good conditions already exist, they should be utilized to the full, so that work can proceed as quickly as possible.
- "这是你的孙子吗?" "啊,别说了!你把我说得那么老了。""It's you grandchild?" "Oh, shut up, you put years on me."
- 你把工作弄的一团糟。You have made a mess of the job!
- 自从那商人的儿子接替其父业后,事情便搞得一团糟。Since the merchant's son succeeded him in business,affairs go wrong.
- 你丈夫把工作丢了,我很惋惜。I'm sorry that your husband lost his job.
- 你把我搞糊涂了。You bewildered me.
- 他们家那些淘气的孩子们老是把家里弄得一团糟。Their naughty children always contrive to make such a mess of things.
- 菲利普埋怨那项单调沉闷的工作搞得他心力交瘁。Philip complained that the tedious monotonous job ate him up.
- 别说了,要不你把我全搞糊涂了。Stop talking, or you'll muddle me (up) completely.
- 今天我得把工作带回家做。I have to bring my work home today.