- 你才能建立十五.You can only build fifteen .
- 容许舞蹈,因为只有在从无意识变为有意识中,你才能去超越。Allow the dance, for it is only in becoming conscious of the unconscious that one may begin to transcend.
- 你才能打开题目。Now you can open your booklet.
- 注意:col为空元素,它只能包含属性。你必须在tr元素里指定td元素才能建立列。Note: The col element is an empty element that contains attributes only. To create columns, you must specify td elements within a tr element.
- 现在就做出决定,这样到了时候你才能在表达爱意之前保持清醒头脑。Decide now so that when time comes, you will be alert before any affections or emotions are given out.
- 我只有放弃你才能爱你。I can not love you until I give up.
- 是啊。走到大街上你才能耳濡目染、品味世情。也算是放飞你的思想咯。Yeah. Out on the streets you see things and, you know, hear things and eat things. It all sort of unlocks your mind.
- 有了梦,你才能在清晨醒来。You have to have a dream so you can get up in the morning.
- 骨折的部位必须接好复原后你才能下地走路。The broken part must fuse with the rest of the bone before you can walk.
- 只有这样,你才能领先于其他选手。Only in this way can you remain ahead of the other competitors.
- 只有换上工作服,你才能进入机房。Only when you've suited up,can you come into the machine room.
- 只有这样你才能把它牢记在心。Only in this way can you learn it by heart.
- 只有正视这个空洞,你才能填满它。Recognize that hollowness; only you can fill it up.
- 快点,这样你才能赶上公共汽车。Hurry up, and you will catch the bus.
- 我怎么样才能说服你才会去买一双新的鞋子啊?How can I persuade you to buy a pair of new shoes?
- 半年后你才能从这所学校毕业。It will be half a year before you graduate from this school.
- 我死了你才能从我冰冷的手中把枪拿走!You'll take me blunderbuss we ye pry it from my cold, dead hands!
- 只有到蝉鸣图书馆里你才能找到答案。You will find that answer only in the library of the cicadas.
- 什么时候你才能变得明理一些?When are you going to wise up?
- 可能需要几个星期你才能恢复体力。It may take a few weeks for you to build up your strength again.