- 你应该多听人劝.You should be more heedful of advice
- 你应该多听人劝。You should be more heedful of advice.
- 卡林:你应该多听音乐,音乐甚至可以使凶猛的动物平静。Colin : You should listen to more music. Music can soothe the savage beast.
- 感觉迟钝,不听人劝。As thick skinned as an elephant
- 刘备却说:"你一是爱喝酒、耍威风、鞭打士兵,二是办事草率不听人劝。让你留守,放心不下。"Liu said, "How can I feel assured, when you're so fond of drinking and after drinking you always flog your soldiers for no reason? And you're such a hot-tempered person and frequently you refuse to take advice."
- 我认为你应该多运动运动。I think you should exercise more.
- 她听人劝而采取了理智的做法.She was reasoned into a sensible course of action.
- 你应该多注意一点仪表。You should take more pride in your appearance.
- 如果中国人劝你喝酒,而你不喝,他会觉得你不够朋友。If you refuse a Chinese when he urges you to drink more, he would regard you as unfriendly.
- 你应该多练一下你的右偏球。You should work on your fade a little more.
- 你应该多多锻炼。You should exercise more.
- 你应该多用心工作。You should give more care to your work.
- 你应该明白你的话无意中伤害了人。You should understand you put your foot into with your words.
- 你应该多注意交通安全。You should pay more regard to safety on the roads.
- 我估中了,你应该是这麽的人啊!Chitty: i has guessed right!You should be that kind of person!
- 大自然赐给我们两只眼睛,两只耳朵,而只有一张嘴;所以我们就应该多看多听,而少说。Nature gives us two eyes and two ears, but only one tongue, to the end that we should do is to see and hear, more than speak.
- 你应该仿效伟大善良的人。You should imitate great and good men.
- 教育孩子应该多劝谕,少责骂。To educate a child, we'd better reason more and scold less.
- 你应该听老师的话?You should take the advice of your teacher?
- 一个考虑周全的人应该多为别人考虑。A considerate person ought to have more consideration for others.