- 你可以再後退两码.You can back up another two yards.
- 你可以再退两英尺左右。You can back up another two feet or so.
- 你可以再说说你的意思吗?不是很懂。I mean, why dont you just give her what she wants. She'll take good care of your money.
- 後退recoil
- 如果你把车向后移两码,就属于法律许可的范围之内了。You will get within the law if you move your car back two yards.
- 後退!Go astern!
- 你可以再说一次社会证明、权威和喜爱定律的不同点吗?Can you go over the differences between social proof, authority, and liking one more time?
- 她从口袋里拿出两码布来。She took two yards of cloth out of her pocket.
- 罚退两米!(裁判用语)Two meters!
- 全速後退!Full speed astern!
- 这你也不必灰心,你可以再问别人。Please do not be discouraged. Just ask someone else.
- 两码足够了Two yards will be ample.
- 我退两张票可以吗?Can I return these two tickets?
- 你可以再重复一次吗?Would you mind repeating that, please?
- 我军前进, 敌军後退.The enemy fell back as our troops advanced
- 她量出两码半布作这件衣服。She measured off two and half yards with which to make the dress.
- 你可以使用鼠标滚动到文件的其它部分。You can use the mouse to scroll to other parts of the document.
- 人群被警察挤得往後退。The crowd was borne back by the police.
- 你可以再简单不过实力位置。Another pretty simple strength could be your location.
- 主队在球门线前的坚强防御使客队无法在两码之内使球触地得分。A goal line stand by the home team held the visitors on the two-yard line.