- 你从来不看人家的长处.You never look for the best in people.
- 如果你从来不看报纸,你永远也不会知道世界上在发生什么事。If you never read the newspapers,you'll never know what's going on in the world.
- 我们的许多同志,喜欢对党外人员妄自尊大,看人家不起,藐视人家,而不愿尊重人家,不愿了解人家的长处。Many of our comrades tend to be overbearing in their relations with non-Party people, look down upon them, despise or refuse to respect them or appreciate their strong points.
- 主啊,感谢你,赞美你,因为你从来不轻看我们的祷告,从来不轻视我们的请求,感谢赞美主,阿们!Host, Thanks you, Praises you, Because you always do not despise our prayer, Always does not despise our request, Thank praises the host, amen!
- 看看人家的船闸,哪个不比你们好?See the others lock, which one is not better than you?
- 你从来不和你的父母讨论你的爱情生活。You never discuss your love life with your parents.
- "可是对你来说这是一桩大事啊。" "什么大事不大事的!我担心什么?""But it's a serious matter for you." "Serious my foot, why should I worry?"
- 你从来不需要工作You never had to work it was always there
- “我不想看人家对我吹胡子瞪眼的,”我直言不讳地说。"I'm not going to be browbeaten," I replied flatly.
- 你也许不喜欢他,不过他也有自己的长处。You may not like him, but he has his merits.
- 当今的学者只做不必要的细微区分;他们从来不谈根本。Scholar nowadays just split hairs; they never address the basic.
- 这正是你的毛病!你是个缺乏感情、不懂得体贴的蠢猪。你从来不跟我谈,从来不关心我,我讨厌你!W: That's exactly what's wrong with you! You're an insensitive, inconsiderate jerk.You never talk to me, you never pay attention to me, and I HATE YOU!
- 愚昧无知的百姓啊,你们有眼不看,有耳不听,现在当听这话。Hear this, you foolish and senseless people, who have eyes but do not see, who have ears but do not hear
- "说出你从来不是容易在网上销售。但与此同时,我们正在目睹的蔓延互联网的新闻检查,"该报告说。"Speaking out has never been easier than on the Web. Yet at the same time we are witnessing the spread of Internet censorship," the report said.
- 假使我们本身没有缺点,我们看到人家的缺点时就不会那么高兴了。If we have no fault of our own,we shall take less pleasure in notice the fault of others.
- 他看着我,好像从来不认识我。He looked at me as if he had not known me.
- 在很多体育运动中,关键在于专心致志。没有它,你从来赢不了。In most sports, the name of the game is concentration. You'll never win without it.
- 大致上,书籍计有两种:其一是谁也不看的,其二是谁也不应看的。In the main, there are two sorts of books: those that no one read and those that no one ought to read.
- 拍他的马屁没用,他从来不吃这套。It's no use stroking him. He never likes it.
- 人家不看使用说明书, 我又有什麽办法呢?Can I help it (ie Is it my fault) if people don't read the instructions?