- 你一脸疲倦和病态.You look tired and ill.
- 和你一起生活对我来说是件愉快的事情。It's a pleasure for me to live with you.
- 我能够想到最浪漫的事,就是和你一起慢慢变老。The most romantic thing I can think about is to be getting old with you.
- ”撒娇的摇著他的手,一脸的委屈状!” played the woman and shook his hand in disapproval with chagrin on her face.
- 你父亲若是知道这事非狠狠揍你一顿不可!If your father hears about this he'll give you such a licking!
- 这是在13号地铁抓拍到的人,一脸的迷茫和无助,让人不禁猜想在他的生活发生了什么?These photos are the people in the No.13 subway, the facial expression is flat, let us can not help guess what takes place in their life?
- 早餐吃得好会提高你一天的工作效率。A good breakfast will fortify you for the day's work.
- 每当提到她的婚姻生活,她就一脸的幸福。Every time she speaks of her married life, she is a picture of happiness.
- 如果你与我们一起去,这趟旅行就不会花你一文钱。The excursion won't cost you a penny if you go with us.
- 他一脸木呆呆的神情,不知道在想什么心事?He is in a daze. No one knows what he is thinking about.
- 我希望我不需要再次提醒你一下了。I hope I shall not have occasion to warn you again.
- 可他却一脸正经,焦头烂额,那样子十分滑稽可笑。which were made the more ludicrous by his anxious gravity.
- 你一直往前走,直到公共汽车站为止。Go straight on until you come to a bus stop.
- 桃丽丝望着地板,面无血色,一脸悲凄欲绝的神情。Doris was looking at the floor, her cheeks drained of color, her expression one of utter misery.
- 我们可以给你一间起居室和两间卧室。We can accommodate you with a sitting-room and two bedrooms.
- 你通过考试的那天我将送给你一件礼物。I will give you a gift the day you pass the exam.
- "滚开!不然我就要狠狠揍你一顿!""Get out of here or I'll tan your hide!"
- 你如果乘我的汽车来,这次旅行不用花你一文钱。The journey won't cost you a penny if you come in my car.
- 如果你与我们一起去,这趟旅行就不会花你一文钱。The excursion will not cost you a penny if you go with us.
- 这个野孩子对比尔说:“如果你再到这里来瞎转,我就狠狠打你一顿。The tough boy said to Bill, "If you come around here again, I'll beat up you."