- 作物歉收农民就要受灾.The failure of their crops spelt disaster for the peasant farmers.
- 作物歉收农民就要受灾。The failure of their crops spelt disaster for the peasant farmers.
- 作物歉收导致了物价上涨。The crop failure resulted in a food price rise.
- 天刚泛出鱼肚白,农民就起身下地劳动了。When the sky was just turning light, the farmers would get up and work in the farmland.
- "别以为就这么定下来了,通常要局长说了才算的。" 汤姆说道。"Don't think it is settled yet; the Director always has the last word, " said Tom.
- 在那条路就要分叉的地方有一家百货商店。There is a department store just before the road bisects.
- 当然,也有一些抱怨。譬如,天气恶劣,作物歉收,偶尔的天灾人祸,都招来一些通常缺乏分析的怨言。There is,of course,some about the bad weather,the poor crops,or the occasional catastrophes,but generally no critical analysis.
- 如果好天气持续下去,农民就可能获得好收成。If the good weather continues,the fanners will be able to get the harvest in.
- 据传闻,国防部长不久就要辞职。Rumor has it that the defence minister will soon resign.
- 自从国家取消了农业税,农民就可以不纳粮了,负担减轻了许多!Since the abolishment of agricultural duty, farmers no longer need to pay for money and rice, and their burden has reduced a lot.
- 乌云密布,看起来就要下雨了。Dark clouds massed and we expected rain.
- 部队就要出发了。The troops are about to set out.
- 我们很快就要合并这三个部门了。We are going to combine the three departments soon.
- 如不联共,就要反共。Either you co-operate with the Communist Party or you oppose it.
- 巡回医疗队不久就要到这儿来。The mobile medical team will soon be here.
- 船就要开了。请大家上船!The boat is ready to leave. All aboard!
- 这本词典不久就要出版。The dictionary will be published before long.
- 他们不久就要结婚了。They will soon be joined in matrimony.
- 两个星期后议院就要开会了。In a fortnight the House witt be sitting.
- 我听说你就要搬到这儿来住了。I understand that you will be moving here soon.