- 作弄朋友.play a sly trick on a friend
- 朋友friend
- 好朋友good friend
- 交朋友make friends
- 女性朋友amiga
- 简老是作弄她弟弟。Jane always makes a fool of her younger brother.
- 孩子们作弄新来的男孩。The children ran a rig upon the new boy.
- 朋友们friends
- 这个小捣蛋无休止地作弄他失明了的邻居。The little horror never stops playing tricks on his blind neighbour.
- 知心朋友bosom friend
- 这个小捣蛋无休止地作弄他的父母。The little horror never stops playing tricks on his parents.
- 我希望我们能成为朋友,彼此互相了解。I hope we shall be friends and come to understand one another.
- v. 作弄某人have a game with sb.
- 酒肉朋友fair-weather friend
- 作弄joke
- 做朋友become friends
- 那些小学生们喜欢作弄他们的老师。Those schoolboys like to play pranks on their teachers.
- 作弄人horse
- 成为好朋友Pal
- 作弄者mocker