- 在这个镇上有一座佛教寺庙。There is a Buddhist temple in this town.
- 那首歌是去年风行一时的歌曲。That song was a hit last year.
- 佛教是佛陀创始于印度北部之宗教。Buddhism is the religion founded by Buddha in North India.
- 清唱一段歌曲to scoop a piece of song
- 东南亚佛教Buddhism in South East Asia
- 重新合成歌曲to remix songs
- 约翰改信佛教。John has converted to Buddhism.
- 钢琴伴奏的歌曲the piano accompaniment toa song
- 传播佛教disseminate Buddhism
- 西藏的佛教,在它的典礼惯例上有很大的变化,并且有复杂的等级组织。Tibetan Buddhism having great variety in its ritual practices and a complex hierarchical organization.
- 部派佛教Sectarian Buddhism
- 越南佛教Vietnamese Buddhism
- 欧美佛教Buddhism in America and Europe
- 日本佛教Japanese Buddhism
- 斯里兰卡佛教Buddhism in Sri Lanka
- 尼泊尔佛教Nepalese Buddhism
- 佛教的教义the teachings of Buddha
- 佛教经典Buddhist scriptures
- 信奉佛教(或基督教)to embrace Buddhism (or Christianity)
- 蒲甘佛教遗迹Buddhist Remains at Pagan