- 余数remainder
- 次数多项式或多项式方程中变量的幂的最大数The greatest sum of the exponents of the variables in a term of a polynomial or polynomial equation.
- 模数一个整数,当分别被两个给定整数除时,得到相同的余数A number by which two given numbers can be divided and produce the same remainder.
- 多项式平差polynomial adjustment
- 18和42在对模数12同余,因为当18和42被12整除都有6作为余数18 is congruent to 42 modulo 12 because both 18 and 42 leave 6 as a remainder when divided by 12.
- Z-多项式Z- polynomial
- 不相交余数disjoint complement
- 链多项式chain polynomial
- 冗余数redundant digit
- 多项式基polynomial basis
- 同余数congruent number
- 多项式域finite field
- 余数找足The remainder will be made up
- 多项式核polynomial kernel
- 模n余数modulo n residue
- 正多项式positive polynomials
- 多余数redundant number
- 逆多项式inverse polynomial
- 真余数true complement
- 非多项式nonpolynomial