- 体温监测temperature monitoring
- 红外热成像体温监测系统Thermal infrared temperature detection system
- 动态精密体温监测系统(APBTM)Ambulatory precise body temperature monitoring system (APBTM)
- 肼监测仪hydrazine monitor
- α监测仪alpha monitor
- 监测仪的研制Development of a Type of Monitor Based on CMOS Digital IC
- 水位监测仪Water-Level Detective Monitor
- 便携式辐射监测仪portable radiation survey meter
- 声学监测仪acoustic monitor
- 膜厚监测仪film thickness monitor
- 心率监测仪heart rate monitor
- 氧气监测仪oxygen monito
- 氧压监测仪oxymonito
- 血糖监测仪blood glucose monitor
- 早搏监测仪premature beat monitor
- 逆流监测仪contrary current monitoring
- 轻便监测仪portable monitor
- 区域监测仪area monitor
- 氚气监测仪tritium air monitor
- 压裂监测仪fracture monitor