- 织巢鸟weaver bird
- 织巢鸟之一种weaverbird
- 有类似斑马的条纹的澳大利亚小织巢鸟。small Australian weaverbird with markings like a zebra's.
- 伯氏致病杆菌Galleria mellonella
- 伯氏圆孢多孔菌Bondarzewia berkeleyi
- 多是黑色的非洲织巢鸟。mostly black African weaverbird.
- 伯氏疟原虫正常株general strain of plasmodium Berghei
- 氏clan name
- 伯senior
- 经常被关在笼中的红色亚洲织巢鸟。red Asian weaverbirds often kept as cage birds.
- 织weave
- 伯氏疟原虫抗青蒿酯钠株sodium artesunate resistant strain of plasmodium Berghei
- 梭织tatting
- 笨鸟先飞A slow sparrow should make an early start.
- 引人注目的细菌:伯氏疏螺旋体与莱姆病Bacteria of high profile: borrelia burgdorferi and lyme disease
- 屈臣氏Watson
- 天堂鸟bird of paradise
- 织网knitmesh
- 大鸟curassow
- 鸟叫chirp