- 伦敦大学的名誉校长.chancellor of London University
- 他被推选为牛津大学的名誉校长。He was made chancellor of the University of Oxford.
- 可是伦敦大学的学生那么多,我不见得就会碰上您的女儿。But there are so many students at London University; it's not very likely should meet your daughter.
- (某些大学的)名誉校长(Brit)honorary head of some universities
- 孙:可是伦敦大学的学生那么多,我不见得就会碰上您的女儿。But there are so many students at London Univer-sity; it's not very likely should meet your daugh-ter.
- (某些大学的)名誉校长(Brit)honorary head of some universities
- 伦敦London
- 大学的rah-rah
- (罗马天主教中)大主教,教皇职位仅次于教皇的名誉主教A bishop who holds the highest episcopal rank after the pope.
- 名誉校长chancellor
- 他越是大声谈他的名誉,我们越发赶快数数我们的调羹。The louder he talked of his honour, the faster we counted our spoons.
- 伦敦大学学院UCL
- 教授、名誉校长、亚太管理研究生院,Asia Pacific Graduate School of Management
- 伦敦大学London University
- 那个候选人多次企图破坏罗伯特的名誉,但最后还是罗伯特当选了。That candidate threw mud at Robert many times, but at last it was Robert who was elected.
- 名牌大学的ivy
- 她上大学的暑期班。She attended the summer session of college.
- (罗马天主教中)大主教,教皇职位仅次于教皇的名誉主教A bishop who holds the highest episcopal rank after the pope.
- 伦敦大学评议会the senate of London University
- 她曾是芝加哥大学的化学教授。She was professor of chemistry at Chicago University.