- 筋断伤lacerated wound of tendon and muscle
- 伤筋,筋翻,筋断,筋走tendon-injury
- 那才是伤筋动骨呢!That would have been a real disaster!
- 筋断breaking of muscle and tendon
- 脸上身上虽见伤痕,并未伤筋动骨。Although badly bruised on both face and body, he had broken no bones
- 他的断骨很快就愈合了。His broken bone knitted quickly.
- 髋部伤筋Injuries of muscles and tendons of hips
- 巴纳知道兰姆和约翰专爱组织那些不惜斗得筋断骨折的拳击手来比赛,让观众看个痛快。Barney knew that Lamb and John liked to match boxers who went in to be cut to pieces to make a Roman holiday for the crowds.
- 鱼骨fishbone
- 断线wire break
- 骨感bony
- 武春发治疗伤筋手法简介Synopsis of Wu Chunfa's Manual Therapy for Injury Muscle and Tendon
- 挂断电话buzz off
- 毛骨悚然的thrilling
- 剪断shear
- 加强筋dabber
- 拉断snap
- 横断transection
- 最伤筋的是,对此他简直束手无策。The worst of it was that he could do nothing about it.
- 藕断丝连(of lovers etc.) separated but still in each other's thoughts