- 给伤口贴上膏药apply a plaster to a wound
- 康惠尔伤口贴Comfeel Dressing
- 康惠尔伤口贴,伤口敷料Comfeel Dressing
- 贴图pinup picture
- 贴上stick on
- 护士用纱布蘸了消毒水洗伤口。The nurse sponged the wound with an antiseptic.
- 贴子notice
- 他大腿上的伤口结疤情形良好。The cut on his leg is scarring well.
- 贴合joint
- 伤口在他脸上留下了疤痕。The injury scarred his face.
- 创可贴Woundplast
- 伤口的疼痛使他不能入睡。The smart of the wound kept him awake.
- 标贴labeling
- 伤口不断地流脓。The wound discharged constantly.
- 贴膜pad pasting
- 我腿上手术的伤口会痛。The incision on my leg smarts.
- 黏贴paste
- 我手指上的伤口愈合得很好。The cut on my finger is healing well.
- 他包扎好伤口,躲到一个山洞里。He strapped up the wound and hid in a cave.
- 发贴post