- 劳toil
- 回传passback
- 传给pass to
- 举手之劳needs only a slight effort
- 前传forward pass
- 传图blit
- 过劳overstrain
- 据传as it is said
- 过劳死karoshi; death from overwork
- 传下issue from
- 劳技labor skill
- 白蛇传Tale of the White Snake
- 不劳无获No gains without pains.
- 同传simultaneous interpretation
- 要按劳付酬。Render to each according to his work.
- 传福音evangelize
- 德智体美劳"all around development of moral, intellectual, physical, aesthetics and labour education"
- 断点续传transmission resuming at break-points; resumes transmission at break-points
- 外劳external-worker
- 传质mass transfer