- 会费应交给俱乐部秘书.Membership fees should be paid to the club secretary.
- 会费应交给俱乐部秘书。Payment of subscriptions should be made to the club secretary.
- (d)会费应于每年一月一日缴纳。(d) Contributions shall become due on the first of January of each year.
- 会员费应交给秘书。Membership fees should be paid to the secretary.
- 我推荐你/提名你任俱乐部秘书好不好?Can I put you/your name forward for club secretary?
- 秘书secretary
- 对应(adj) match along with; corresponding
- 我将以请求捐款给俱乐部结束我的谈话。I will conclude my remarks with a request for a contribution to the club.
- 应交税金taxes payable
- 此举可能会给俱乐部造成损失。It amounted to mischief making.
- 俱乐部秘书对她的出格行为感到有点惊讶,走到我跟前说,‘我想这是头一回有女士到那里,当然啦,不能说这是头一回有女王到那里。’The secretary of the club came over to me,slightly shocked at her transgression,and said'I think that's the first time a lady has been in there,but of course you can't say it's the first time a queen has'.
- 3个孩子交给我妈看管。My mother was left with three children.
- 应交未交which should be paid but not be paid
- 他们是油漆工,正在给俱乐部上油漆。They're painters. They're painting the sports club.
- 应交所得税income tax payable
- 这次胜利给俱乐部辉煌的赛季画上了圆满的句号。This victory provided a fitting finale to a brilliant season for the club.
- 我把跟服务员结帐的事交给你办行吗?Can I leave you to square up with the waiter?
- 应交 ... (费用).That'll be ...
- 这样一个快乐而活跃的成员会给俱乐部增添活力。Such a cheerful and active member will inject new life into the club.
- 我的放像机应交的税率是多少?What is the rate of taxation on my video player?