- 要求多项优先权的,该申请的优先权期限从最早的优先权日起计算。Where multiple priorities are claimed,the priority period for the application shall be calculated from the earliest priority date.
- 第十条 除专利法第二十八条和第四十二条规定的情形外,专利法所称申请日,有优先权的,指优先权日。Rule 10 The date of filing referred to in the Patent Law,except for those referred to in Articles 28 and 42,means the priority date where priority is claimed.
- 第十条除专利法第二十八条和第四十二条规定的情形外,专利法所称申请日,有优先权的,指优先权日。Rule 10 The date of filing referred to in the Patent Law, except for those referred to in Articles 28 and 42, means the priority date where priority is claimed.
- 日剧Japanese TV play
- 优先权priority
- 日中Japan-China
- 日的diurnal
- 前日eve
- 日产daily output; current yield
- 按日by the day
- 人日man-day
- 日式Japanese
- 日心说hiliocentricism
- 日後sometime
- 日蚀eclipse
- 日圆Japanese yen (unit of currency)
- 独立日Independence Day; Glorious Fourth
- 年月日date
- 日刊diurnal
- 日内in a few days; in a day or two; in a couple of days