- 伊夫eve
- 伊夫二甙evobioside
- 伊夫和赫伯Either Eve or HerB
- 伊夫,今天多少号?Eve, what's the date today?
- 伊夫氏人工呼吸法[医] Eve's method
- 伊夫和赫伯都被邀请了。Either Eve or Herb has been invited.
- 伊夫一口回绝了马克的邀请。Eve spurned Mark's invitation.
- 伊夫·圣·洛朗Yves Saint Laurent
- 萨利已把伊夫买的西红柿记入收银机。Sally rang up Eve's purchase of tomatoes..
- 由法国著名设计师伊夫。圣洛朗设计的最新款式,The up-to-date styles designed by Yves Saint Laurent, the famous French designer
- 伊夫是住在修道会的女孩,她知道所有那些修女的秘密。Eve was the girl who lived in the convent and knew all the nuns' secrets.
- 伊夫是一位有声望的成功商人,精明能干,热心公益事业。Eve is widely known as a shrewd, successful businessman, full of public spirit.
- 亲爱的伊夫太太,我给您发了封信,收据以附件形式附上了。Dear Mrs Eves, I'm sending attached your receipt.
- 我的双胞胎玛西亚和伊夫出生以后一直都不大爱哭,是的我必须要强调一下,她们确实是很乖。The twins, Marcia, and Yvonne, were always so calm, and I stress the word calm.
- (旧遗嘱)基督教神话中亚当的妻子;人类第一个女人和母亲;上帝从亚当身上取肋骨造了伊夫并把亚当和伊夫放在了伊甸园。(Old Testament) Adam's wife in Judeo-Christian mythology: the first woman and mother of the human race; God created Eve from Adam's rib and placed Adam and Even in the Garden of Eden.
- 《联合国气候变化框架公约》的执行秘书和本次会议的主持伊夫·德·波尔哭了,在别人的帮助下才离开了讲台。Yvo de Boer, the executive secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, and boss of the conference, wept, and had to be helped off-stage.
- 在?时尚?杂志的九月刊的巨大封面上,在一件鲜红的伊夫.圣洛朗“左岸”女装的中央,别了一枚老式的弗雷德.雷顿钻石珍珠胸针。On the cover of the enormous September issue of Vogue, smack in the center of scarlet Yves Saint Laurent Rive Gauche dress, there sits a vintage Fred Leighton diamond-and-pearl brooch.
- 这就意味着,如果“伊夫”正在窃听信号,“爱丽丝”和“鲍勃”核对传输的数据时,会发现比正常估计值高很多的错误量。This means that if Eve is involved, when Alice and Bob come to compare their data there will be many more mistakes than would otherwise be expected.
- 2002年1月22日,法国著名时装大师伊夫·圣·洛朗在巴黎的蓬皮杜艺术中心举行了他的告别秀,在结束时他在模特的簇拥下接受着喝彩。Veteran French designer Yves Saint Laurent (C) is surrounded by models as he acknowledges applause at the end of his retrospective haute couture fashion show at the Pompidou Centre in Paris,January 22,2002.