- 特朗普勒星Trumpler star
- 特朗普的顾客或学生们本周可以开始注册自己想要的课程。Students - or customers, as Trump University staff refer to them - will be able to register for classes in marketing, real estate and entrepreneurship starting this week.
- 唐纳德?特朗普出生于纽约东河对面皇后区的一户中产阶级家庭。Donald Trump was born across the East River in the Borough of Queens, into a middle-class family.
- 普popular
- 此外,美国房地产大亨唐纳德·特朗普也有着苏格兰血统,其母玛丽于1935年乘坐“特兰西瓦尼亚”号从苏格兰来到美国。Businessman Donald Trump has Scottish ancestry through his Gaelic-speaking mother, Mary, who set sail on the "Transylvania" in 1935.
- 特急be specially urgent
- 里贝朗普雷图Ribeirao Preto
- 特卖sell
- 特洛伊Troy
- 特徵trait
- 青岛前哨朗普的测量机产品Preview of CMM Products from Qingdao Brown & Sharpe Qianshao Technology
- 特异性specificity
- 普快ordinary passenger express train
- 特洛伊木马Trojan horse
- 特的tertiary
- 特拉Tela
- 甘特gunter
- 门特mentor
- 浩特hot; village
- 普朗铜矿Pulang Copper Deposit