- 消费价格分类指数CPI by category
- 价格price (pc.)
- 分类classification
- 商品零售价格分类指数Retail Price index by Category
- 市区商品零售价格分类指数Urban Retail Price Index By Category of Commodities
- 分地区服务项目价格分类指数Retail Price Indices by Category of Commodities by Region
- 价格表price list
- 分类的assoeted
- 市场价格market price
- 分类广告classified ad
- 销售价格sale price
- 分类帐Ledger (L)
- 价格上涨rise in price
- 商品价格price of commodities
- 垃圾分类refuse classification
- 价格下降price fall
- 含税价格price including tax
- 分类号class number
- 价格战price war
- 按专业分类classification by special function