- 是他们让我们觉得新加坡是我们的家园,我们属于这片土地。These are the people who make Singapore feel like home,a place where we belong.
- 我们的家园和祖国!Our home and native land!
- 以色列Israel
- 但我坚信我们的司法机构将证明我们是清白的,历史将为我正名。But I believe that our judiciary branch will prove that we are innocent, and history will clear my name.
- 我们的嗜好不同。Our tastes differ from each other.
- 如果我们拒绝给予援助,就不能推动以色列战后在外交方面注意听取我们的意见。If we refused aid, Israel would have no incentive to heed our views in the postwar diplomacy.
- 大雨妨碍了我们的进展。The heavy rain retarded our progress.
- 男被访者我们在这儿生活,这是我们的家园,但是我们看得见却够不着。水太大了。AN UNIDENTIED MAN We live over there, those are our houses, but we can't reach them. There's too much water.
- 我们的国际信誉极好。Our international credit is excellent.
- 我们的坦克团把敌军打得落花流水。Our tank regiment thrashed the enemy troops.
- 我们的银行与他们的合并了。Our bank merged with theirs.
- 他们的房子明显比我们的暖和。Their house was noticeably warmer than ours.
- 很可能他是忘了我们的约会了。It is probable that he has forgotten our appointment.
- 他的鼾声打扰了我们的睡眠。His snore disturbed our sleep.
- 我们的步兵有坦克支持。Our infantry is supported by tanks.
- 他因我们的错误而受到责备。He got the rap for our mistake.
- 这篇文章是对我们的诽谤。The article is a slander on us.
- 他对我们的语言一窍不通。He is a stranger to our language.
- 我们的假期计划进展顺利。Our vacation plans are shaping well.
- 我们的会员来自各行各业。Our membership includes people from all walks of life.