- 该将军以军葬礼安葬。The general was buried with military honors.
- 我们以军葬礼埋了这位将军。We buried the general with full military honours.
- 安南批以军在黎使用集束弹Annan Criticizes Israeli Forces for Using Cluster Bombs in Lebanon
- 以军称双方都有人员伤亡。The Israeli military says both sides are taking casualties.
- 3名巴勒斯坦武装人员被以军打死Three Armed Palestinians Killed by Israeli Army
- 巴勒斯坦谴责以军对巴人民的持续侵犯Palestine condemns Israeli army's continued violation on Palestinian people
- 哈马斯一名炸弹专家在纳布卢斯被以军暗杀HAMAS Bomb Expert Assassinated by Israeli Military in Nablus
- 以阿冲突升高伤亡增加以军占领五个西岸城镇Israel-Arab Conflict Escalates; Casualties Rise while Israeli Military Occupies Five West Bank Towns
- 天黑后,以军士兵一直将聚光灯对准监狱。After dark, the Israeli troops kept spotlights trained on the prison.
- 昨晚有报道说,以军对黎发起了新一轮空袭。New Israeli air strikes in Lebanon were reported overnight.
- 以军随后关闭了连接加沙地带北部和中部的海滨大道。Shortly afterwards, the Israeli military closed Beach Boulevard that links the North and Central Gaza Strip.
- 以军对巴勒斯坦领袖阿拉法特的围困,于4月30日解除。The siege imposed by the Israeli army on Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat was lifted on Apr. 30.
- 至于希布伦市,以军则以安全风险为由,排除了立即撤军的可能性。As to Hebron, Israeli army eliminated the possibility of an immediate withdrawal because of security reasons.
- 昨日违反停火的事件还有以军战机向黎东部的一个目标发射了火箭弹。Violating the ceasefire yesterday, Israeli aircraft also fired rockets at a target in eastern Lebanon.
- 据报道,亚辛在今年6月被以军软禁起来,上周他因肺部和肠胃疾病住院。It was reported that Yassin has been placed under house arrest since June by Israeli army. Last week, he contacted lung and digestion illnesses and was admitted hospital.
- 但这封信没有寄出,因为信件无法通过以军的哨卡送往拉姆安拉的邮局。But his letter was never mailed because he could not make it past Israeli checkpoints to reach the post office in Ramallah
- 告诉我被以军军舰无辜炸死在加沙沙滩上那一家七口里任何一个人的名字!Tell me the name of one member that 7 members of the same family slaughtered on the beach in Gaza by Israeli warship.
- 巴方称,如果以军不从这些地区撤出,巴方就不会参加由美国调停的和平谈判。According to Palestine, Palestinian will not participate in any U.S. mediation or peace talks unless Israeli army withdraws from Palestinian territories.
- 14日,他前往约旦河西岸城市拉姆安拉,与被以军围困的阿拉法特举行了会谈。On the 14th, he went to the West Bank city Ramallah where Arafat was surrounded by Israeli army and held a meeting with the Palestinian leader.
- 据以色列电台报道,以军当晚在加沙南部以色列定居点附近开枪打死1名巴勒斯坦人。According to reports by Israeli radio stations, Israeli army has killed one Palestinian in an Israeli settlement in South Gaza region.