- 以下under
- 犯上这罪要判处死刑。That crime carried with it the punishment of death.
- 这帮刁滑之徒竟敢犯上作乱。The cunning and shrewd rascals had the impertinence to defy their superiors and start a rebellion.
- 以下简称be hereafter referred to as
- 他的犯上会使他成为全佛罗伦萨最出名的人物。The offence will make him the most popular man in all Florence.
- 5岁以下的许多儿童都上幼儿园。Many children under 5 go to nursery school.
- 军官违反军规比起士兵一下犯上来得更为严重。The officer's violation of a regulation is more of jeopardy than the enlisted man's offense.
- 你一放松,他们就犯上作乱无所不为了。Once the lid is loose, there'll be a deluge of rebellion and they'll take the law into their own hands.
- 以下的fol.; following
- 犯上泄露国家机密罪或许准以公众利益作为抗辩理由。A public interest defence may also be introduced for the offence of disclosure of state secrets.
- “儿童”一般理解为十四岁以下的人。By "children" it's understood that they mean people under14.
- 许多投资者都犯上把大部分资金集中于一项投资的错误,如股票或房地产。The mistake most investors make is to put most of their money in one form of investment,say stocks or properties.
- 零度以下below zero
- 标准以下below the mark
- 老板强调说,“克莱先生是所有的人里面,顶好犯上作乱的怪物啦,跟他家里别的人,一点儿也不一样。”"Mr. Clare," said the dairyman emphatically,"is one of the most rebellest rozums you ever knowed-not a bit like the rest of his family."
- 以下是人生而平等的真理。What follows is the truth that men are created equal.
- 养牛者强调说,“克莱先生是你所见到的所有的人里面,最爱犯上作乱的,跟他家里别的人一点儿也不一样。”"Mr. Clare," said the dairyman emphatically,"is one of the most rebellest Rozums you ever knew-not a bit like the rest of his family."
- 公司有一半职工年龄在三十岁以下。Half of the office is under 30.
- 以下几个方面the following aspects
- 尼克松最喜欢的权术之一是,召集一个会议,而除了犯上不服的以外,每个与会者的观点要么尼克松早已事先知道,要么就是他事先一手安排好的。One of Nixon's favorite maneuvers was to call a meeting for which everybody's view except one recalcitrant's was either known to him or prearranged by him.