- 仙immortal
- 鼬stoat
- 诛仙killing the Immortols
- 臭鼬skunk
- 酒仙winebibber
- 猎人捕得一只臭鼬。The hunter snared a skunk.
- 英仙座Perseus
- 猫鼬mongoose
- 仙术theurgy
- 鼬鼠weasel
- 秋水仙碱colchicine
- 鼬鼠是一种胆小的动物,但在保护其幼畜时也会凶猛地搏斗。The weasel is a timid animal but will fight like a tiger in defence of its young.
- 独角仙Hercules beetle
- 白鼬miniver
- 仙童fairchild; boy servant of an immortal
- 艾鼬fitchew
- 阿仙药catechu
- 艾鼬皮毛fitchew
- 白头鼬tayra
- 赤脚大仙barefoot immortal [reference to Emperor Sen Tsung of the Sung Dynasty]