- 他非常滑稽.He' s an absolute scream.
- 他的样子非常滑稽,我难以忍住不笑。He looked so funny that I found it difficult to keep my countenance.
- 他踩在香蕉皮上滑倒时的样子非常滑稽。When he slipped on a banana skin it was enough to make a cat laugh.
- 他以一个非常滑稽的笑话结束了讲话。He ended off his speech by telling a very funny joke.
- 看到他生病的哥哥那副样子令他非常痛苦。The sight of his sick brother was torture to him.
- 非常滑稽的人或物One that is uproariously funny.
- 安格斯:那真是非常滑稽.Angus:it was pretty funny.
- 他非常清楚地记得曾嘱咐你不要做那事。He distinctly remembers telling you not to do it.
- 林恩觉得这一切都非常滑稽。Lynn found the whole situation hilarious.
- 他非常尊敬她,那简直是一种崇拜。He respectd her so much that he even put her on a pedestal.
- 这个丑角的表演非常滑稽。The clown gave a very funny performance.
- 他非常出色地扮演了希金斯这个角色。He interpreted the role of Professor Higgins wonderfully.
- 我大笑,因为她刚给我讲了一则非常滑稽的笑话。I was laughing because she had just told me a very funny joke.
- 星期六他非常忙,整天都在进进出出。He was very busy on Saturday and was in and out all day.
- 他非常庄严地发誓要实现他的诺言。He vowed quite solemnly that he would carry out his promise.
- 这非常滑稽;这是一个狂欢;整个场合有一种狂欢的气氛it was so funny;it was a circus; the whole occasion had a carnival atmosphere
- 他非常希望发泄一下积压在心头的极度欢乐。He longed to cast off the exuberance of joy that oppressed him.
- 这非常滑稽这是一个狂欢;整个场合有一种狂欢的气氛。it was so funny it was a circus; the whole occasion had a carnival atmosphere.
- 他非常疲劳,渴望能在哪儿躺下睡一会。He was so tired that he desired to kip down somewhere for a while.
- 一位颇有影响的导演看到卓别林在扮演一个非常滑稽的角色。An important film director saw Chaplin acting a very funny part in a play.