- 他被指控犯有谋杀罪。(他因谋杀罪而被起诉。)He was prosecuted for murder.
- 他另有妻室一事已经暴露,随之他被指控犯有重婚罪。It developed that he had another wife living and his indictment for bigamy followed.
- 他因被指控犯有谋杀罪被迫出庭。He was brought before the court on a charge of murder.
- 斯洛博丹·米洛舍维奇,巴尔干战争中的核心人物于4月1日凌晨被捕入狱,他被指控犯有贪污和滥用职权罪。Slobodan Milosevic,central figure in Balkan wars,was arrested and jailed in the early hours of April 1st morning,he was accused of corruption and abuse of power.
- 他被指控犯有谋杀罪.He was indicted for murder.
- 犯有谋杀罪;罪人;秘密的犯罪行为;内疚的良心;有罪的行为。guilty of murder; the guilty person; secret guilty deeds; a guilty conscience; guilty behavior.
- 他被指控在一个限速55英里的区域开车速度达到75英里。He was charged with driving at 75 mph in a 55 mph zone.
- 他被指控剥削童工。He is accused of exploiting child labor.
- 控方必须毫无疑义地证明他犯有谋杀罪。The prosecution has to prove beyond reasonable doubt that he is guilty of murder.
- 他被指控侵入民宅而被警方逮捕。He was arrested by the police on a charge of housebreaking.
- 当陪审团宣判约翰犯有谋杀罪时,他面不改色。When the jury pronounced him guilty of murder, john did not bat an eye
- 他被指控通敌。He was accused of collaborating with the enemy.
- 他被判决犯有诈骗罪。He was found guilty of fraud.
- 他被指控殴打他前妻和孩子。He was accused of battering his former wife and child.
- 约翰·洛得,别名彼得·刘易斯,被判犯有谋杀罪。John Lord, alias Peter Lewis, was convicted of murder.
- 他被指控偷了一辆吉普车。He was charged with stealing a jeep.
- 他被控犯有偷窃行为。He was charged with stealing.
- 他被指控为该罪的同谋者。He was indicted as being accessory man to the crime.
- 据说那个被指控犯谋杀罪的女孩是疯子,不能为自己申辩。The girl charged with murder was said to be mad and unfit to plead.
- 他被指控受贿。He was charged with bribery.