- 他被带到校长面前认错.He was taken before the headmaster and made to confess.
- 他被叫到校长面前承认错误。He was taken before the headmaster and made to confess.
- 当他被带到法官面前时,他有一种畏惧感。He had a feeling of awe as he was taken before the judge.
- 我上学时,如果男孩在学校抽烟被发现,就会被带到校长那里,而且还可能受体罚。In my day,a boy who was caught smoking in school went before the headmaster and was probably beaten.
- 脸红的男孩被带到了校长面前;她羞愧的情郎;气红了脸。the blushing boy was brought before the Principal; her blushful beau; was red-faced with anger.
- 我相信她的话在校长面前有一些分量,她有可能说服他。I believe she has some influence with the headmaster -- she might persuade him.
- 当他被带到法官面前时,他有一种畏惧感。He had a feeling of awe as he was taken before the judge.
- 他的老师派他到校长室去。His teacher sent him off to the principal's office.
- 除非他的母亲同他一起去,不然的话,他就大吵大闹,直到他被带回楼下他母亲那里。Unless his mother went with him, he would fuss until he was taken back downstairs to her.
- 这两个男孩一直聊到校长进来。The two boys kept on talking until the headmaster come in.
- 他被带上法庭。He was brought before the judge.
- 维克托今天终于得到应有的惩罚。他经常迟到,老师把他送到校长那儿去。Victor's chickens finally came home to roost today. He was late so often that the teacher made him go to the principal.
- 他被带进了屋,手上带着手铐。He was brought into the room (and) handcuffed.
- 德里克因为骂老师是长脸老头而被叫到校长办公室里去了。Derek was sent to the principal's office because he called his teacher old hatchet face.
- 他被带向毁灭的边缘地带。His failures brought him to the brink of ruin.
- 他被父亲带出来当上了老德鲁瑞剧院的演员。He was brought out by his father on the boards of Old Drury.
- 窃贼被带到地方法官前受审。The thief was brought before the magistrate.
- 他被送回到设在棕榈棚里的医疗室。He was sent back to the palm shack we used as sick bay.
- 他被带了绿头巾,还蒙在鼓里呢!He is not aware that he has been made a cuckold.
- 汤姆因为上课交头接耳被送到校长那儿去了。他以前没有犯错记录,所以校长没处罚他。Tom was sent to the principal for whispering in class. He had a clean slate so the principal did not punish him.