- 他膝盖上有个肿块。He had a swelling on his knee.
- 他膝盖上有个肿块.He had a swelling on his knee.
- 她从他膝盖上把那猫捧下来,放在一张矮凳上。She took the cat off his knee and put it down on a footstool.
- 我腿上有个肿块。I had a bump on my leg.
- 他喜欢看他的小猫在他膝盖上睡觉的样子。He likes watching his cat sleep on his lap.
- 我这里有个肿块。I have a lump here.
- 他膝盖上的伤口涌出鲜血。Was pouring from a cut on his knee.
- 他在大街上有个卖纪念品的摆摊处。He has a pitch on the High Street where he sells souvenirs.
- 他膝盖的畸形是由摔了一跤造成的。The malformation of his knee is caused by a fall.
- 此后不久,我感到有个肿块。Soon after this,I felt a lump.
- 真可惜两个音乐会时间上有冲突,我本来想两个都去。It's a pity the two concerts clash; I wanted to go to both of them.
- 她后颈部长了个肿块。She has a lump on the back of her neck.
- 我的右腿感觉有针刺,左腿没有感觉,双腿在膝盖上有震动的感觉,但下面就没有了。I feel the pin prick on the right, but not the left. There is a vibration in the legs above the knees, but not below.
- 他安详而宁静地坐在那儿,两只大手置于膝盖上,脸上呈现着一片祥和。He sat there gently, and quiet, his big hands resting on his knees. Peace shone in his face.
- 看!这棵树上有个鸟巢。Look! There is a roost in this tree.
- 我想我的牙床上有个脓疮。I think I have an abscess on my gums.
- 他这时才了解,大约八个月以前,露丝发现脖子左边有个小小的肿块。About eight months ago, he learned, Ruth became aware of a small lump on the left side of her neck.
- 这孩子的裤子膝盖上需要打个补丁。The boy's trousers need a patch on the knee.
- 你的裤腿上有个洞。There's a hole in your trouser leg.
- 在他左轮手机的把手上有四个V型凹口。There were four notches in the handle of his revolver.