- 他脱帽以示敬意.Out of respect, he took off his hat
- 他脱帽以示敬意。Out of respect, he took off his hat.
- 我们经过校长面前时总要脱帽以表示敬意。We always capped when we passed the headmaster.
- 当他进来时,他们站立着,以示敬意。They stood as a mark of respect when he came in.
- 当他们经过时他脱帽致敬。He doffed his hat as they went by.
- 100架飞机将飞越城堡上空以示敬意。100 planes will fly by the castle as a mark of a respect.
- 在街上遇到老板时他脱帽致敬。He uncovered his head when he met his boss in the street.
- 100架飞机将飞过这座古堡,以示敬意。100 planes will fly by the castle as a mark of respect.
- 拜访以示敬意pay his respects to
- 他答应写一封推荐信,以示他的诚意。He promised to write a letter of recommendation to show his good faith.
- 葬礼那天,各行业都停业以示敬意。On the day of the funeral businesses remained closed as a mark of respect.
- 有几位代表退出会场以示抗议。Some delegates walked out in a show of protest.
- 她砰砰地走出门去,以示愤怒。She thumped out of the door to show her anger.
- 敌人对他说话时,他昂首收颌以示轻蔑。He bridled up when his enemy spoke to him.
- 她皱起眉头以示不赞成。She frowned disapproval.
- 他被开除以示警戒。He was fired by way of disciplinary punishment.
- 皱一皱眉头以示警告flicker a warning with a lifted brow
- 鸣喇叭以示警告beep out a warning
- 现在我愿奉送一件小小的礼物以示敬意,您不久就会收到。Now I would like to express my thanks for your warm hospitality with a little gift that you will shortly receive.
- 他们退席以示抗议。They walked out in protest.