- 他的脸给抓坏了。His face was badly clawed.
- 他的脸给抓坏了.His face was badly clawed.
- 他的脸被小弟弟抓坏了。His face was badly clawed by his little brother.
- 他的脸给太阳晒得乌油油的,连那浓密的胡须好象让亚洲的热浪涂了上了一层油彩。He was splendidly sun burnt; even his multitudinous beard had been burnished by the fire of Asia
- 他的脸给太阳晒得乌油油的,连那浓密的胡须好象让亚洲的热浪涂了上了一层油彩。He was splendidly sun burnt; even his multitudinous beard had been burnished by the fire of Asia.
- "怀特先生生病期间,他的大部分工作移交给了他的侄子。""While Mr White was ill, most of his work devolved on his nephew."
- "你砸坏的锁得花七镑去换一个新的。" "去你妈的!" 我对他伸了伸两个指头说道。"And there'll be seven pounds for replacing the lock you broke." "Up yours!" I said, giving him two fingers.
- 他的手指把我的手臂给抓痛了。His fingers dug painfully into my arm.
- 树枝弹回来划破了他的脸。The twig flipped back and scratched his face.
- 吉姆要去接你朋友,可他的车坏了。Jim was going to pick up your friend,but his car broke down.
- 把阴冷无礼的脸给顾客看,自己不觉得很丑吗?Don't you think you are ugly when showing your bad face to the customers?
- 他总骗我说他的电脑坏了,不能工作。He keeps giving me that line about not being able to do any work because his computer isn't working properly.
- 她本能地要抓他的脸。She instinctively darts her nails at his face.
- 他冷峻的胡须脸给人一种呆板的恐惧感觉。His cold bearded face was set in a look of horror.
- 由于他的腿坏了,所以他不能到处走动。Since he broke his leg ,he can not get about .
- 比刚才更加阴沉的黑云布满了驼背人的脸,他笑得很凄惨,然后那笑也消失了。A cloud, darker than before, covered the hunchback's face again; and his smile became sad, and then faded away.
- 她像是发疯似的,紧抓着那个小孩摇晃,直到他的帽子掉了下来,并且吓得哇哇地哭了起来。She seemed to go off his nut. She grabbed the kid and shook him till his cap fell off and he began blubbering with fright.
- 他对我怀恨在心, 因为我坏了他的计划。He bears grudges against me, because I broke the egg in his pocket.
- 那名突击队员用木炭把他的脸涂黑。The commando blackened his face with charcoal.
- 他第一次开车,就把汽车的反光镜给碰坏了。He broke the reflector of his car the first time he drove.