- 他的情绪高一阵低一阵.He gets cheerful and depressed by turns.
- 一阵心灰意懒的情绪顿时沉重地压在他的心头。A feeling of discouragement for the moment bore down heavily upon him.
- 她走进商店的时候引起了一阵低低的赞叹声。A murmur of admiration had greeted her as she entered the shop.
- 情绪高/低to be in high/low spirits
- 全场发出一阵低低赞许声。A murmur of approbation ran through the assembly;
- 他的讲话里掺进了反对政府的情绪。His speech was spiced with anti-government sentiment.
- 这是一个例子,说明他的情绪往往变化不定,忽冷忽热。It may stand as an example of the fitful swerving of his passion.
- 法庭上掀起的一阵小小的骚动使他从出神的状态中恢复过来。A slight bustle in the court recalled him to himself.
- 他的情绪不高。大概一件与她无关的事情没有办好。He did not appear in spirits; some thing unconnected with her was probably amiss.
- 布伦达的志向是当一名主管,但我的抱负要比他的大一点。John hitched his wagon to a start and decided to try to become President.
- 他的情绪[脾气]反覆无常.His mood/temper is variable.
- 他迅疾地避开目光,硬是低下了头,一阵兴奋流遍了周身。He looked quickly away, pressing back his head, a pain of joy running through him.
- 它给他的情绪带来了忧愁。It had brought melancholy across his passions.
- 一阵剧痛像刀割似地穿过他的胸部。A terrible pain knifed his chest.
- 这个消息使他的情绪轻松起来。The news lightened his mood.
- 他的演说激起了群众且引起一阵骚动。His speech provoke the crowd and cause a riot.
- 他的情绪天天不同。His mood varied from day to day.
- 他通过做家教来补充他的不高的工资;布拉克用木炭来。He eked out his meager pay by giving private lessons; Braque eked out his collages with charcoal.
- 他的情绪仍旧很激昂。His blood was still too hot.
- 石块击中他的头,他感到一阵疼痛。The stone hit his head and he felt a surge of pain.