- 他的态度突然改变了.His attitude underwent an abrupt transition, ie changed suddenly.
- 她的态度突然大大改变Her attitude changed dramatically
- 后来,他的目光游移不定,表情也完全改变了,声音变得特别温柔。Then his eyes wavered, all his expression changed, and in a voice unusually gentle.
- 她的态度突然大大改变.Her attitude changed dramatically.
- 他们的态度突然改变,使我感到震惊。I was shocked at this sudden change in their attitude.
- 尤金:直到哈耶克到了耄耋之年他的思想才开始流行,而世界也开始改变了。It was only when Hayek was a very old man that his ideas began to prevail and the world began to change.
- 我看了他一眼,他的态度之真诚是一丝一毫不可怀疑的。I looked at him, and had not the slightest doubt he was sincere.
- 他的态度缺乏安祥。His attitude lacked repose.
- 他突然改变主张,使他的同事们都大吃一惊。His sudden change of opinion took his colleagues all aback.
- 当人们高兴时,他们可以对看到的事给出宽怀的解释:当事人的眼睛被他的感情所改变了。When people are happy, they tend to give charitable interpretations of events they witness: the eye of the beholder is colored by the emotions of the beholder.
- 为对待他的方法感到愤慨;沉闷、愤慨的态度。resentful at the way he was treated; a sullen resentful attitude.
- 实际上,为了应付危局,政府突然改变了策略。The fact of the matter was that the Government,to meet a crisis in its own ranks,made a sudden change of face.
- 我们从他的态度来推断, 他很满意。From his manner, we drew the inference that he was satisfied.
- 妈妈突然改变了主意,让你和他结婚了。Mom suddenly had a change of heart and let you get married with him.
- 他的态度和蔼使他成为一个成功的售货员。His affability conduces to success as a salesman.
- 突然一个女人闯进了他的小屋,犹如大风把她刮进来一般。Suddenly a woman burst into his shed, as if she had been blown in.
- 他的谦和宽厚的态度使我感到自由自在His gracious manners put me at ease.
- 改变了她的职务; 不能移动他的胳膊Moved her office; could not move his arm.
- 他的政敌对说他对腐败问题的态度不够强硬。His political enemies said he was soft on corruption.
- 他妻子的死使他改变了对宗教的态度。His wife's death brought a change to pass in his attitude toward religion.