- 他的作品瑕瑜互见.His work is rather patchy.
- 几乎在所有的乐曲形式中都能找到他的深受人们欢迎的作品。In almost every musical form will be found a work of his ranking high in popularity.
- 在这位音乐家成名之前,他的朋友们都对他的作品充满信心。Before the musician made a name for himself, his friends had faith in his opus.
- 他的作品令人遗憾地显示出缺乏想像力。His work displays a woeful lack of imagination.
- 他的作品非常朴素,完全没有任何的文学雕琢。His writings are very plain, entirely devoid of any literary ornament.
- 谦逊的对待错误,怀疑他的作品的价值;一个害羞而谦逊的女孩。unassuming to a fault, skeptical about the value of his work; a shy retiring girl.
- 世界观的这一变化立即在他的作品中得到反映。This change of outlook was immediately reflected in his works.
- 他的作品中并不只有《蒙娜·丽莎》在微笑。It is not only the Mona Lisa that smiles in his works.
- 他的作品是几种不同音乐风格的融合。His work is a fusion of several different styles of music.
- 通过不断的练习他的作品有了改善。His writing gained by continued practice.
- 他的作品在这次竞赛中评价并不很高。His work didn't rate very high in the competition.
- 他的写作风格使他的作品带有显著的个性。His writing style strongly individualizes his work.
- 他的作品很像古代的古典作家的作品。His writings are reminiscent of ancient classical writers.
- 他的作品表现出灵感和想象力的人。a person whose creative work shows sensitivity and imagination.
- 他的作品的欢乐与轻快与他哀伤的性格形成鲜明的对照。The gaiety and lightness of his work were in contrast to his own sad nature.
- 他的作品包含着整个传统,又预示着艺术的未来。His work encompasses all of the past and foretells the future of art.
- 她仔细地审查了他的作品,然后才允许他寄出去。She scrutinized his work carefully before allowing him to send it out.
- 一种强烈的爱国主义感情渗透在他的作品中。A strong sense of patriotism pervaded his writings.
- 他的作品被认为是那个时代最优秀的作品。His works are recognized as the most excellent in that period
- 对于他的作品的坏的评论缩小了他的自信。The bad review of his work deflated his self-confidence.