- 他点了点头作为回答.He replied with a nod.
- 他从对街指着他的屋子点了点头,似乎在邀请他的同伴进来。He pointed and nodded across the street to his own house, as if inducing his companion to come in.
- 我提醒她时,她点了点头。When I reminded her, she nodded her head
- 她几乎不为人察觉地点了一下头作为回答。She answered with an almost imperceptible nod of the head.
- 他点了点头作为回答。He replied with a nod.
- 他点了一支火把,探索漆黑的山洞。He lit a torch to explore the dark cave.
- 他点了3杯白兰地和1杯波尔图葡萄酒。He ordered three brandy and a port.
- 不要同史密斯教授争了,同他交锋,你还嫩了点。Don't argue with Professor Smith; you are not old enough to cross swords with him.
- 然後他点了一枝烟。Now the next thing he do is to light a cigarette.
- “呸,松手!”她愤怒地叫了起来,“你这个笨蛋。”他咧嘴一笑,作为回答。Aw, let me go, she exclaimed angrily. Duffer. He only grinned Broadly in return.
- 他慢慢地点了点头。He nodded slowly.
- 他点了根烟,说声再见,就走了。He lighted his cigarette,said good-bye and went out.
- “呸,松手!”她愤怒地叫了起来,“你这个笨蛋。”他咧嘴一笑,作为回答。Aw, let me go, she exclaimed angrily. Duffer. He only grinned broadly in return.
- 他点了点头.An inclination of his head
- 当被问及导演在哪儿时,他只简单地向楼上指了指作为回答。When asked where the director was,for answer he simply pointed up to the floor above.
- 他点了一个汉堡和一杯中杯可乐。He ordered a hamburger and a medium coke.
- 罗杰严肃地点了点头。Roger nodded gravely.
- 我用鼠标在周围点了点,就总是会出现略微不同的路径。I move the mouse around, always following slightly different paths.
- 诺曼先生正在享用最后一道菜,他发现这道菜他点的菜味道不同。Mr. Norman is having his last dish. He finds it different from what he has ordered.
- 他向我意味深长地点了点头。He gave me an expressive nod.