- 他是他们的养子.He is their adopted/adoptive son.
- 丹尼是他们的养子。Danny is their adopted son.
- 他是他们的养子。He is their adopted son.
- 虽然拿破仑是科西嘉岛人,可是今日大多数的法国人仍认为他是他们的祖先法国人。Although Napoleon was Corsican, he is considered by most mordern Frenchmen to have been French as their own forebears.
- "彼得为啥需要两辆车?" - "他是不需要两辆车,可他的钱多得没处花。""Why does Peter need two cars?" - "He doesn't, but he's always had money to burn."
- 假如您是位笨手笨脚却貌似天仙的单身爸爸,请小心防备您的养子。If you are a clumsy but good looking single dad, please beware of your adopted son.
- 他们承认他是他们的领袖。They owned him as their leader.
- 曹操出生在官宦世家,其父亲曹嵩原是夏侯氏的后裔,后来成为中常侍大长秋曹腾的养子。Cao Cao is born in the officials aristocratic family, father Cao Song is lofty originally is Xia Hou descendant, afterwards became Cao Teng adopted son.
- 他是他们所有人中想象力最丰富的一个。He's much the most imaginative of them all.
- 查尔斯使那个办公室的气氛很活跃。他是个出色的行政人员。Charles makes things hum around that office. He's an excellent administrator.
- 人们都承认他是他们的当然领袖。He is recognized to be their natural leader.
- 那个机构一直是他们的一项重大负担。That institution has always been an albatross on their necks.
- 要不是他们揍了他一顿,我看他是不会说的。I don't think he would have talked if they hadnt worked him over.
- 少年们不邀请鲍勃参加他们的聚会,因为他是一个让人扫兴的人。The teenagers don't invite Bob to their parties because he is a wet blanket.
- 他是英国人,这是他们从他的口音中听出来的。He was an English man, as they perceived by his accent.
- 享受漫长的中餐是他们的传统之一。One of their traditions is to enjoy a long midday meal.
- 他们巨大的动力是他们相信他们的事业是正义的。Their great driving force is the belief that their is a just cause.
- 若没有他们的帮助他是不会取得如此快的进步的。Without their help he would not have made so rapid advances.
- 他们的婚姻破裂,他是无过错的一方。He was the innocent party(= person)in the breakdown of the marriage.
- 这孩子的父母对他期望过高,随之不可避免的结果是他们失望了。The boy's parents expected too much of him ,with the inevitable result that they were disappointed .