- 他是个神经紧张的人.He's a very tense person.
- 他是个神经紧张的人。He's a very tense person.
- 他是个神经非常紧张的人。He's a very tense person.
- 卡尔如果应允了你,就不会使你失望。他是个说话算数的人。If Carl promised you, he won't let you down. He is a man of his word.
- 他是个神经极度紧张的人。He is a bundle of nerves.
- 他是个所有他的朋友全都钦佩的、甚至赢得敌人尊敬的人。He was a man whom all his friends admired and who won the respect even of his enemies.
- 他是个敢于思考的人,富有创新观点。He is a bold thinker, with lots of original ideas.
- 我不想与夜总会那看门的人交往,他是个令人讨厌的家伙。I wouldn't want to annoy the bouncer on the door of the night club; he's a nasty piece of work.
- 他从不拒绝别人的求助,他是个好心肠的人。He never refuses a request for help; he has a heart of gold.
- 约翰成为大人物之前可比现在要友善得多,当时他是个极谦逊的人。Before he became the big banana John was a much friendlier and most modest person.
- 他是个了不起的人--在很多方面。He's a big man in more ways than one.
- 他是个不甘寂寞的人,常想招人注目。He is not a very quiet man and always wants to be to the fore.
- 你了解了他,你就知道他是个不错的人。He's quite a nice guy when you get to know him.
- 我和我的邻居不来往,因为他是个自私的人。I have nothing to do with my neighbour because he is a selfish man.
- 犹太人个个都怕希特勒,因为他是个为所欲为的人。All the Jews feared Hitler because he was a law unto himself.
- 他讲英语讲得很好,大家以为他是个道地讲英语的人。He speaks English so well that he is thought of as a native speaker.
- 他是个极残酷的人,甚至都可以冷酷无情地杀死亲娘。He was so cruel he would have killed his own mother in cold blood.
- 我无法理解他--他是个神秘莫测的人。I can't figure him out--he is a mystery.
- 每当我打牌赢了他时,他总是很生气,他是个输不起的人。He always gets annoyed when I beat him at cards; he's a bad loser.
- 他是个严酷的人,既自负又爱管闲事。He is a harsh man, at once pompous and officious.