- 他感到有埋伏.He suspected an ambush.
- 他感到有埋伏。He suspected an ambush.
- 他感到有责任向他们提及这一情况。He felt it his duty to mention this fact to them .
- 额头和下巴出的汗使他看起来比他实际上更加紧张些,因而出汗使他感到有点困窘。The perspiration embarrasses him slightly because the dampness on his brow and chin makes him look more tense than he really is.
- 我担心会有埋伏,咱们不要再往前了。I am afraid there might be ambush. Let's not go any forther.
- 布什先生积劳成疾,他感到自己必须减少工作量,多多休息。Mr Bush, having been ill from overwork, found that he had to put the brake on and taken more rest.
- 如果你的攻势发展的非常顺利,那一定是有埋伏。If your attack igoing really well, it'an ambush.
- 他感到有责任帮忙。He felt obligated to help.
- 他感到有点心痛。He felt a sort of stitch in his heart.
- 通过一段时间的精心照顾,他感到身体完全康复了。He feels completely restored to health after a period of intensive care.
- 杰弗里因此感到有点扫兴,但他还是按照他女儿的要求做了。Geoffrey was a little disappointed by this but he did as his daughter asked.
- 他感到有粒子弹击中了他的小腿。He felt a bullet hit his shank.
- 他感到自己不配得到这样大的荣誉。He felt that he did mot deserve to be given such a great honour.
- 他感到有只手拍了一下他的头。He felt a hand hit him over his head.
- 他感到很不自在,用恳求的目光望着我们。He felt very uncomfortable and looked entreaty at us.
- 他感到有一种近于怜悯的感情.He felt something akin to pity.
- 他刚入座时还感到有点拘束和别扭。He sat down, at first, with some constraint and awkwardness.
- 这就使他感到有一种难解的孤寂。This gave him a secure feeling of isolation.
- 他感到有一种近于怜悯的感情。He felt something akin to pity.
- 他拒绝帮助我时,我感到有点生气。I felt annoyed when he refused to help me.