- 他想把工作推给别人.He tries to shuffle his work off onto others.
- 他想把工作推给别人。He tries to shuffle his work off onto others.
- 在委员会上许多人都把工作推给别人去做。Many people expect to let George do it when they are on a committee.
- 我很抱歉把工作推给你。I am sorry to force the task on you.
- 他想把自己的一生奉献于医治印度的病人。He intends to devote his life to curing the sick in India.
- "当然罗," 老师说,"去告诉你父亲,多谢他想着我。""I certainly do, " said the teacher, "and you tell your father he is very kind to think of me."
- 我很想把责任推给别人。I was tempted to pass the buck (= make sb else responsible).
- "那么我要给母亲买本书," 他说道。 "非常感谢。我希望将来有一天能报答您。""Then I'll buy a book for Mother, " he said. "I thank you very much, some day I hope I can repay you."
- 他想骗我相信他的大衣是虎皮做的。He bluffed me into believing that his coat was made of tiger skin.
- 他总是试图将过错推卸给别人。He always tries to shift the blame to someone else.
- 他想将美元换成日币。He wanted to convert his dollars into Japanese yen.
- 我们有时能把工作和娱乐结合起来。We can sometimes mix business with pleasure.
- 他想上厕所。He wants to go to the toilet.
- 我们可以保证把工作做好。We can ensure that the work shall be done in the right way.
- 他想写个剧本玩玩儿。He toyed with the idea of writing a play.
- 不久,来了个瘦和尚,小和尚把挑水工作推给了他。A skinny monk enters the temple to whom the young monk shed the responsibility of toting water.
- 他想买一块空地造房子。He is looking for an empty lot on which to build his house.
- 他想竞选总统。He wants to run for the presidency.
- 在今天的讲课中我想把这个问题阐述得广泛些而不是深入透彻些。In today's lecture I'd like to interpret this problem broadly rather than in depth.
- "不,请给我一杯威士忌," 约翰尼回答说,因为他现在最想做的事就是喝醉。"No, a whisky, please, " Johnny replied, for he wanted more than anything in the world to get drunk.