- 他忙着做饭.He busied himself cooking the dinner.
- 他妻子忙着做饭,他则舒舒服服地坐在沙发里看电视。His wife was busy cooking while he watched TV sitting comfortably in the sofa.
- 正当她忙着做饭时,偏巧他来了,问一些问题麻烦她!He must come and worry her with questions ,just when she was busy cooking the dinner !
- 他忙着装配自行车。He was busy assembling the bike.
- 妈妈现在肯定是忙着做饭。Mother must be occupied in cooking at this moment.
- 真正的原因是他忙着每隔几英尺就从背包里拿出鹅卵石丢在地上。It was because he was busy dropping the pebbles from his backpack onto the ground every couple of feet.
- 他在试着做饭。He's having a shot at cooking the dinner.
- 其中一个窃贼被沉重的雕像击中,但他忙着偷钻石,以至于忘了疼痛。One of the thieves was struck by a heavy statue, but he was too busy helping himself to diamonds to notice any pain.
- 他忙着工作。He is busy at work.
- 妈妈在忙着做饭。Mother is busy preparing supper.
- 他忙改换姿势,用双肘撑着脑袋。这样,一旦入睡就会歪倒,立即惊醒。He shifted and reclined on his elbows so that if he did sleep he would fall and be wakened by the impact.
- 我正忙着做饭。I am busy cooking dinner.
- 他忙着给自行车上油。He is busy oiling the bicycle.
- 他整天忙着用唧筒抽水。He was pumping away the whole day.
- 他忙改换姿势,用双肘撑着脑袋。这样,一旦入睡就会歪倒,立即惊醒。He shifted and reclined on his elbows so that if he did sleep he would fall and be wakened by the impact.
- 他们忙着在田里开沟排水。They were busy trenching the fields for draining.
- 学生忙着复习迎考。The students are busy reviewing for a test.
- 他们正忙着拉选票。They are busy soliciting votes.
- 姑娘们忙着编织地毯。The girls are busy braiding rugs.
- 她正在厨房忙着清除家禽的内脏。She is busy cleaning the fowls in the kitchen.