- 他心中积怨甚久.hate smouldered inside him.
- 更重要的是,撤军将在克什米尔大受欢迎,该地与印方统治积怨甚深。More important, withdrawing soldiers would be hugely popular in Kashmir, where alienation from Indian rule runs deep.
- 久居他乡遇到故人,他心中倍感亲切。He felt extremely excited to meet his old friends after living in a foreign country for a long time.
- 为时甚久的longstanding
- 他心中盘算着,如果叫他们更卖力地干,他就可以发更大的财。He thought to himself that he could get richer by making them work harder.
- 他们那睁得圆圆的滞钝的眼睛,与这些言谈,这些殷切、不冲撞人的举止相左,然而他们晓得自己周围积怨甚深,明白一腔热忱是徒然的。Their full slow eyes belied the words, the gestures eager and unoffending, but knew the rancours massed about them and knew their zeal was vain
- 很久a month of Sundays
- 甚very
- 他表露了他心中的秘密。He unlocked the secrets of his heart.
- 与某人相处甚久(深知某人)Eat a peck of salt with sb.
- 他心中憋着一股怒火,按照别人告诉他的去做。He acted on what he was told with a cold fury in his heart.
- 他心中疑虑重重。His heart is full of misgivings.
- 这楼梯使用年代甚久,好几级台阶几乎磨平了。This staircase is so old that some of the steps have almost worn away.
- 他心中喜欢着她。He was inly excited about her.
- 这两人相敌甚久,但一场洪水使他们重归于好。The two men had been enemies a long time, but after the flood they buried the hatchet.
- 这个问题在他心中还是漆黑一团。He is still completely in the dark about the matter.
- 尽管他心中焦急,但仍然举止如常。He was behaving normally in spite of his anxiety.
- 美国国会投票撤除为期甚久的美国人民到古巴旅游禁令。The U.S. Congress voted to lift a long-standing ban on Americans traveling to Cuba.
- 他心中有疑虑。His mind misgives.
- 他心中又产生了写作的愿望。The desire to write was stirring in him again.