- 他微笑中带有讽刺意味.He smiled ironically
- 他微笑中带有讽刺意味。He smiled ironically.
- 她的微笑中带有一丝揶揄。There was a trace of derision in her smile.
- 他笑了笑,但在他的微笑中隐藏着一种难以捉摸的情感。He smiled, but there was some other emotion just below the surface.
- 我感觉到在他的话里有一些讽刺意味。I sensed a touch of irony in his remarks.
- 所以我因了他才能满饮着青春的醇酒,在爱情的微笑中度过了清晨;With thoughts of him I can spend my morning in the ambience of lave drinking the sweet wine of youth.
- 她羞怯地向他微笑。She smiled shyly at him.
- 具有讽刺意味的是,授奖证书上并没有明确地提到相对论。Ironically, the citation did not specifically mention relativity
- 老人谦卑地接受他的好意,谦卑中带有某种隐而不露的自豪感。The old man accepted his kindness with humility that was like a quiet kind of pride.
- 在无边的海洋上,在你静听的微笑中,In that shoreless ocean, at thy silently listening smile my songs would swell in melodies
- 具有讽刺意味的是,这一人物所象征的一切在亨森身上一点都找不到。Ironically, that character has come to symbolize everything Henson was not.
- 他微笑表示赞同这个新主意He beamed his approval of the new idea.
- 馥郁而明亮的柚子香味中带有野柠檬和热带水果的味道。It is filled with bright aromas of grapefruit accented with hints of meyer lemon and tropical fruit.
- 在微笑中迎向旅程Grounding My Trip With A Smile Bonus
- 在现代,仍然需要用武器来防止战争,这确实是具有可悲的讽刺意味的。And, yes, it is sadly ironic that in these modern times it still takes weapons to prevent war.
- 戴西温柔地向他微笑。Daisy was smiling sweetly at him.
- 他的表情在微笑中变得轻松了。His face relaxed in a smile.
- 帕皮的朋友看了他一阵儿说,“那卡尔怎么办你要抓他,对吗?”他的声音中带有兴奋的语调。Pappy's friend eyed him for a moment and said, "How about Cal? You want him don't you?" There was a touch of amusement in his voice.
- 阅读黑色幽默相关书籍,讽刺意味的新闻以及社会现实等相关信息。Read books about black humor, find black humor in news of China and everyday life.
- 她快活地向他微笑。She smiled sunnily at him.