- 他得过很重的流感.He's had a bad go of flu.
- 他得过很重的流感。He's had a bad go of flu.
- 我知道他把钱看得很重,但叫他小气鬼会使他不高兴的。I know he's careful with money, but calling him mean was bound to ruffle his feathers.
- 得permit
- 我把手放在他肩上,说道:“我们见过很多病重的人,她在哪个病房?”I placed my hand on his shoulder and said, "We' ve seen lots of very sick patients. Which room is she in?"
- 尽管我儿子在伊顿公学中得过名次,但当然还得取决于他的入学考试成绩。My son has a place at Eton, although of course it still hinges on the result of his entrance examination.
- 一本很重的书a hefty book
- 你得过很长时间才能恢复健康。It's going to be a long haul till you're fit again(= it will take a long time).
- 热轴由于过分摩擦而变得过热的轮轴或轴颈箱,如火车上的An axle or journal box, as on a railway car, that has become overheated by excessive friction.
- 他父亲一死,他负担起很重的债务。At his father's death he is saddled with heavy debt.
- 很重的罚金a penal fine
- 他昨晚做了100个俯卧撑做得过头了。He overdid it last night when he did 100 push-ups.
- 他背着很重的背包。He was weighted down with a heavy rucksack.
- 这件紧身夹克衫在他腋下勒得过紧。This tight jacket binds under the arms.
- 他能举很重的份量。He is able to lift a very heavy weight .
- 不要认为你能辩得过他,许多比你更有经验的人都败给了他。Don't imagine that you can get the better of him in argument. More experienced debaters than you have fallen flat on their faces before now.
- 很重的利率penal rates of interest
- 玛丽十月间得过一场重感冒,抵抗力大为减弱,因而肺炎难以痊愈。Set up by a severe cold in October, Mary could not throw off her pneumonia.
- 驴子能驮很重的东西。A donkey can carry a heavy burden.
- 是的,他一定得这样,而且谁又能比得过我们家的五个姑娘呢?Yes, he must indeed! And who better than one of our five girls?