- 他很爱动脑筋.He' s quite a philosopher.
- 他很爱动脑筋。He's quite a philosopher.
- 内容简介:小虎很爱跳,但是他很不高兴,因为他不是跳的最好的。Content Abstract: Tigger likes bouncing very much, but he is not happy that he is not the best bouncer.
- 她爱动脑筋。She likes to juggle ideas.
- 他很爱他的母亲,她于1818年去世了。他很幸运,他父亲的第二个妻子对他也很慈爱。His mother,whom he loved dearly,died in 1818. Happily for him,his father's scond wife was kind to him too.
- 坦率地说,我这个人是爱动脑筋的。Frankly, I have a inquiring mind.
- 那次考试给了他很大的压力。The examination put a lot of stress on him.
- 爱动脑筋have an inquiring mind
- "这份工作与他能力相称,所以他很满意。"He was satisfied with the job commensurate with his abilities.
- 他的工作并不出色,但说句公道话,他很认真,也很尽职。His work isn't brilliant but give him his due. He is conscientious and loyal.
- 总是坦白地承认自己的错误,这会让你的老师放松警惕,你就能获得犯更多错误的机会。注:这是一些爱动脑筋的嘎学生总结的经验。Acknowledge Always acknowledge a fault frankly. This will throw your teachers off their guard and give you an opportunity to commit more.
- 她筹办了这项工作,然而只完成了很小一部分。他很累,但很愉快She organized her work but accomplished very little. He is tired but happy.
- 她很爱孩子。She was very affectionate with children.
- 他的这门学科的知识对他很有好处。His knowledge of the subject stood him in good stead.
- 我很爱喝冷饮,特别是在夏天。I love cold drinks, especially in summer.
- 被调任到那个低下的职位,无疑使他很失面子。It certainly took him down a peg to be transferred to that humble position.
- 她很爱说笑。She loves chatting and laughing.
- 他很后梅,是野心诱使自己不再过那种朴素的生活。He regretted the passing of the simple life from which ambition had seduced bam.
- 有些时候我会忽然想到他很像你而感到惊讶。At odd moments I'm struck by his resemblance to you.
- 陪审员巧妙地回答了律师的问题,显示出他很有才干。The juror expertly answered the lawyer's questions and showed he had something on the ball.