- 他很爱他的孩子.He is very affectionate towards his children.
- 他很爱他的母亲,她于1818年去世了。他很幸运,他父亲的第二个妻子对他也很慈爱。His mother,whom he loved dearly,died in 1818. Happily for him,his father's scond wife was kind to him too.
- 他很爱他的母亲。He was extremely devoted to his mother.
- 起初我认为他是个聪明的孩子,但现在我认为他很笨。I took him for a clever boy at first,but now I think he's rather stupid.
- 安娜:这位设计师真是令人赞叹,我很爱他的衣服。Anna: This designer is so amazing. I love his clothes.
- 他的工作并不出色,但说句公道话,他很认真,也很尽职。His work isn't brilliant but give him his due. He is conscientious and loyal.
- 他敢于跟一个比他大得多的孩子搏斗,足以表现出他的勇气。He showed pluck in fighting a boy much bigger than himself.
- 他很有天分,但对选择的工作该怎样处理,他仍得好好学习。He has natural ability, but has yet to learn the mechanics of his chosen work.
- 他爱他的孩子们。He loved banging his wife.
- 内容简介:小虎很爱跳,但是他很不高兴,因为他不是跳的最好的。Content Abstract: Tigger likes bouncing very much, but he is not happy that he is not the best bouncer.
- 他非常爱他的孩子们。He has great affection for(towards) his children.
- 他很愤怒,他的脸胀红得象块红布。He was so enraged that his face resembled a red flag.
- 他有一个十分可爱的家庭,他很爱他们。He had an attractive family whom he adored.
- 他很粗心,如果有人偷了他的钱,他也不会发现钱少了。He is so careless that he would not miss any money that might be stolen from him.
- 我恨死了冷笑话,不过我又很爱他这麽做。Gee, I hate sick joke, but I love my beloved do this.
- 他的孩子们在音乐和艺术方面很出色。His children excel in music and art.
- 我知道你因为他的这种行为对他很不满。I know you bear him a grudge for acting like that.
- 埃德加·斯诺很爱他在美国的家人和朋友。Edgar Snow was very fond of his American family and friends.
- 汤普森总是把他的狗用皮带拴住,因为他很凶。Thompson always holds his dog in leash as it is not sweet-tempered.
- 别轻意给你的孩子许愿,他的记忆力好得很。Don't make any loose promises to your child. He has got a memory like an elephant.