- 他很有人缘.He is a popularity person .
- 乔治看见她那么有人缘,非常得意。George was proud of her popularity.
- 除非听人忠告有所收敛,他很有可能陷入麻烦。He's likely to land in hot water unless restrainedby wiser counsel.
- 陪审员巧妙地回答了律师的问题,显示出他很有才干。The juror expertly answered the lawyer's questions and showed he had something on the ball.
- 以其财富及不断鹊起的声誉,他很有机会获得成功。With his money and growing popularity he has the ball at his feet.
- 如果一个人在艰难困苦中长大,这对他很有帮助。It helps if one was raised to tough it out.
- 由于有人稍稍指点,他很快被看成是一个很有希望的人。With the aid of a little more coaching he speedily came to be considered of much promise.
- 他很有头脑,一结婚就开始存钱了。He had the good sense to save his money ever since he got married.
- 如果你看到有人穿着写有球队名字的T恤衫,他很可能是个美国人。If you see somebody wearing a t-shirt showing the name of a team probably he is an American.
- 他看上去很穷,可是我怀疑他很有钱。He seems poor, but I suspect that he has quite a lot of money.
- 他很有把握、毫不拘束地进行演讲。He spoke confidently and with ease.
- “为什么有人要在你的email上浪费时间,doris?”他很无辜地问。"Now, why would anyone want to mess around with your email, Doris?" he asked, in his most innocent voice.
- 他很有领导能力,能使野营的伙伴言听计从。He has such a way with the campers that they do everything he tells them to do.
- 我认为他很有可能取得实验的成功。I think he stands a good chance of succeeding in the experiment.
- 当然,他很有名,他在全中国教英语。Of course, He is famous. He teaches English all around the nation.
- 他办事很有办法。22年来,走在街上,遇到的无论是镇上和他一样慢慢变老的男人还是女人,都会有人十分恭敬地同他打招呼。Methodical, Mark was. For twenty-two years he had been greeted respectfully along the way by men and women who had grown old with him.
- 一个球员认为他很有机会战胜对手。A player thinks he has a good chance of winning a match against an opponent.
- 他很有口才和风度,但有时有点软弱。He is very eloquent and elegant, but sometimes a bit soft.
- 他看上去很穷,可是我怀疑他很有钱。He seems poor, but I suspect that he has quite a lot of money.
- 他很有主见,所以绝不会顺从 (同意) 。He is so independent that he will never acquiesce.