- 他当着我的面偷走的.He stole the stuff from under my very eyes.
- 他声称已戒烟了,但后来他却当着我的面点燃了一支香烟。He claimed he had given up smoking, but later he lit a cigarette before my very eyes.
- 要是他有怨言,我希望他当着我的面诉说,不要对他人进行暗示。If he has a complaint,I wish he'd make it to my face,and not hint about it to other people.
- 他当著我的面偷走的。He stole the stuff from under my very eyes.
- “她是故意乱叫乱嚷的,”艾博特厌烦地当着我的面说,“而且叫得那么凶!"She has screamed out on purpose." declared Abbot, in some disgust, " And what a scream!
- 他当着她朋友的面对她言辞粗鲁,而且使她难堪的是,他后来又开始嘲笑她。He spoke very rudely to her in front of her friends and then,to rub salt into her wounds,he began to laugh at her.
- 比尔要来参加我的聚会,希望他带着他那漂亮的妹妹一起来。Bill is coming to my party and with any luck he'll bring his pretty sister with him.
- 老师当着全班同学的面指出我的错误,这使我深感羞愧。The teacher pointed out my mistakes to the rest of the class and really made me feel small.
- 他是一位很容易给他当翻译的演说家,他从各方面照顾了我的翻译工作。She was an excellent speaker to interpret for, showing in a variety of ways consideration for my work.
- 他当着两个证人的面鉴了名子。He signed his name in the presence of two witnesses.
- 让我设想,在群星之中,有一颗星是指导着我的生命通过不可知的黑暗的。Let me think that there is one among those stars that guides my life through the dark unknown.
- 格伦老是胡闹,我根本不知道什么时候可以把他当真的。Glen is always acting the goat;I never know when to take him seriously.
- 请不要当着孩子的面说脏话。Please don't swear in front of the children.
- 我可不想眼瞧着我的哪一个女儿在地方剧院做一个合唱队员,白白糟蹋了青春。I wouldn't like to see any daughter of mine going to waste as a chorus-girl in a provincial theatre.
- 听着这些老战士交谈,父亲重温了他当红军战士时的战斗经历。Hearing these old soldiers talk Father was living over again his battle experiences as a Red Army man.
- 在学生时代,有一次我的作文当着其他学生的面被批得体无完肤。Once in my school days, I had my composition pulled apart in front of other students.
- 他当著我的面说的这番话。He said so in my hearing .
- 她当着他的面把酒搅浑。She roiled the wine in his presence.
- 我们一接到他们遇险的信号,我就带着我的营救队上去了。I took my rescue team up as soon as we received their distress signal.
- 布伦达的志向是当一名主管,但我的抱负要比他的大一点。John hitched his wagon to a start and decided to try to become President.